
Wednesday, February 04, 2004

No down time over the weekend. Of course. I managed to read four new books, though. It was a lot of fun, but it means that the bills didn't get paid, and DD doesn't have her new slip. Must do better this weekend. Bills tonight, and the slip on Saturday morning. Hope that gym opens soon. I am anxious to get my arms back into shape, and to work off some of this energy. I need to be thinking of something rather than someone, and this daily fantasy is getting in the way of my accomplishments. I am spending all my time thinking about you, and I never get anything done!
On the other hand, once I see you again, I may find that you aren't at all the man I remember. You may be all the worst things you could have become. Perhaps I will see you, talk with you, and never need to spend another second thinking of you. It could happen.
Well, it could.
I know, it didn't any of the other times we were apart, but that was never for this long. Any number of things could have happened to make you a bitter, mean old man. Please be a bitter, mean old man. Nah, I really don't want that. You have meant too much to me for too long. I need to have a friend again, one with whom I can discuss anything. Anything at all. With no worries about what you will think of me. Because you tell me everything too.
I hope so.

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