
Sunday, September 05, 2004

Hello again. Saturday night, about ten.
Halfway through the long weekend, and while I have accomplished most of what I wanted, I am feeling particularly unfulfilled. I'll be spending some time at the gym tomorrow, and take out my frustrations on the treadmill and the weight machines.

It is rediculously hot here. We went to get Maria's backpack at the mall, and it was 91 degrees. In Colma! I have no idea what the temperature was in San Jose when we left, but I'm kind of glad I didn't know. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. And yes, we were both in formals. Talk about uncomfortable. I'm just not used to these temperatures any more.

I might go in and work on Monday, as the only appointment for waxing I could get was at 4:45 on Tuesday. I'll put in some hours on the holiday and take off early Tuesday, and we'll all call it even. I still have a bit of work to do on the release, and with the power thing on Friday, I wasn't able to get to it. (What can you do with the network down?)

I picked up what I thought was the correct connector for the camera today, but I need to go into the store and discuss it with them, as it may only work from usb to serial port, and not the reverse. And that would seriously blow. But there is a Fry's on the peninsula, and so I can probably get what I need, if this won't do it. And if worst comes to worse, I'll just bring the laptop home every day. It has a usb port. The one I have here is older, and not so well equipped.

Or maybe I can get a card for it. Horrifyingly expensive, I'm sure, but it has to be better than beating myself up over it.

In fact, I think I'll wander over to the Toshiba website and look around.
Talk to you soon.

By the way, yes, I do miss you terribly. And I'm starting to get that old familiar butterflies in the tummy feeling about the trip. But first things first, and I'll bend your ear about that later.

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