
Monday, December 20, 2004

I am about ready to start getting out the Christmas ornaments, thanks to you. You remind me of the things that are important, even when it might be more convenient for me to forget. You insist that I take care of myself, even though you know I am usually last on my list. You care about me, and about the people I love. You encourage me to have friends, to have fun, to be happy.

If you ever for a moment wonder if I will be yours forever, read that last paragraph one more time.

Don't get me wrong. I adore much more than just your mind. I love the way you feel, the way you touch me, the way you look at me. I love your smell, and your taste. I am fascinated and endlessly surprised by the way you think, and I have never felt so safe, comfortable, complete as I do when I am in your arms. And somehow, you manage to find a way to make me feel these things even when we cannot be together. You amaze me.

Well, tall, dark and best man I've ever met, I suppose I had better get back to the decorations, because they aren't going to get themselves out of their boxes while I sit here and daydream about how wonderful it would be to have you inside me right now. Sigh.

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