
Friday, December 24, 2004

Winter has arrived. It may not have been a particularly white holiday season, but the new year appears to be making up for it. I haven't seen this much snow in over a decade. (Living in San Francisco will do that for you.)

I don't know how we came together, or why, but it doesn't matter. I am beside you.

You, always looking out for my best interests, made certain that I had boots. My wonderfully warm feet thank you. I still need to hang on to your arm in the snow, because the heels are higher than I feel comfortable with, but I am warm, and I know you care.

Of course, this doesn't mean that I'm not enjoying the snow. I do love playing in it, and have visited snow on a number of occasions. But now I'm right in the middle of it. Snow as far as the eye can see. A whole park, covered in white.

We walk. Or rather, we stroll, because the combination of high heels and snow means that I am not in a hurry. In fact, I have already slipped more than once, and we have slowed down so much we are nearly standing still. But I'm feeling playful, and I'm nice and warm in my heavy coat and my boots, and so I bend over and scoop up a handful of snow.

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