
Sunday, February 13, 2005

I decided on the little black skirt with the top you liked. I was hoping it would draw attention to the places I wanted people to look, and away from the things I don't really like about myself. I don't think it worked.

I left the apartment at about 5:30, hoping to beat the traffic over the bridge. Ha! Not on a Saturday evening. But I did make it to the bookstore by twenty till seven, and found parking directly in front of the store. It is a nice little independent bookstore, and the place was completely deserted when I walked in. The owner was in the back making tea sandwiches, and I wandered around for a few minutes looking at some of the books.

She eventually noticed me and asked if she could help me. When I told her I was there for the reading, she came out and shook my hand and asked if I was one of Mark's friends. We laughed about the fact that I was the only one of his friends who called to say I was coming, and I didn't get around to it until yesterday. Then we talked a little bit about California time, because at ten till seven, there was still nobody there.

They did finally get there, all at once, at about five minutes till seven. Mark hugged me and introduced me to Cris, his wife, and we chatted about her law school, my miserable job, the state of the economy and the obvious. (and yes, even though it may not look that way via the camera, it is still my most prominent feature.) She's a lovely woman, far shorter than she looked in their wedding photos, but just as sweet as can be.

A few other friends came in and we chatted and then made our way upstairs for the reading. Once upstairs, we were surrounded by the most graphic paintings I've seen in a very long while. The artist was in attendence, and I met her. She and Mark have a history, as she did some illustrations for a 'zine he once published. One of the paintings was of a scene I've described in here probably half a dozen times. And I was seated directly across from it for the readings... okay, perhaps my mind did wander just a bit.

Pam Rosenthal, writing as Molly Weatherfield wrote the "Marketplace" series. She read an excerpt from Safeword as well as one from one of her romantic novels. It was fascinating, meeting her and hearing her interpretation of the works.

After her reading she introduced Mark, and during her introduction she embarrassed him just a bit by reminding him that she had made a submission to his 'zine, and had received from him her first ever rejection letter. Oops!

Mark read from Too Beautiful. It was the story of the stripper with the summer fling. It was funny, and touching, and I didn't even cry once.

Afterward, there was a short break before some additional local authors were to read, but I needed to get back here to make this report. Not to mention if I hear one more erotic story tonight I'm going to go crazy.

All in all, it was a lovely time, and I hope to enjoy more of Mark's readings when he has them.

Sleep now. (and I'll bet I have just the best dreams...)

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