
Friday, April 07, 2006

I peek out from under the tablecloth as I prepare to retake my seat, napkin safely in hand, when I see that the waiter has arrived to refill Master's coffee. I hurridly climb back into my seat and wave my napkin like a victory flag. "I got it!"

"I'm glad you were able to find it. It looked for a while as though you were going to have to finish your lunch without it. And that would mean no dessert."

Well, that is the last thing I want at this point, so I make an obvious effort to hang on to the napkin as I finish my rice. I take a sip of tea, indicating that I am done with my entree, and the waiter sweeps the plate from in front of me.

"So?" "What is it you want, Pet? Another chance to slip away under the table? A chance to curl up at your Master's feet, perhaps? Or something else entirely?"

"I'd like the chance to help you finish before we get back on the road."

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