
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

You crawl into bed beside me, and roll over onto your right side. You always start out that way, even though you usually wind up on your back.

I rest my head on my arm, sliding the other arm around you. I feel you breathing, feel it slow as you drift off to sleep, and nuzzle my nose into your back.

Together we sleep, until the morning light wakes me.

Well, the morning light and an overly full bladder. I kiss you awake, and you smile up at me. "Please, Master, may I go and use the bathroom this morning?"

Thursday, October 04, 2007

You are getting ready to secure me to the bed, when I ask to use the bathroom before being chained for the night.

"Okay, you may go. But leave the door open, and don't be long."

I hurry to the bathroom as quickly as I can crawl. I get up and use the toilet, then wash my hands and face before dropping to my knees again and making my way back to you.

"Thank you, Master." You nod, and smile. I wonder again just what it is that you have planned for the rest of the night.

You handcuff me to the head of the bed, on my back with my right arm over my head. I'll be sleeping facing you tonight.

You position me on the bed, legs spread, left arm straight out from the shoulder. You remind me that I am not to move, no matter what.

Then you start, pulling out the camera and taking photos of me without any marks on this side. You put the camera down, and pick up the cane.

"Let's see how pretty we can make your stripes tonight." You start to swing, then stop. You do it again, and once again you stop before striking me. I'm starting to think you might just be doing this to frighten me, when you start again.

Wap! This time you didn't stop, and as I look down through tears, I can see the welt starting to appear across my tits. Wap! Again, in the same place. I will have welts for a while this time.

Again and again, varying the locations, making distinct stripes, no overlapping blows. You leave me with stripes all up and down from my tits to my thighs. You smile at me, and pick up the camera again.

"Smile for the camera, Slut." I do my best to smile for you, and I think I do a pretty good job, but then you come up to the head of the bed and sit next to me, sans smile.

" Why aren't you smiling, Slut? I thought you wanted to be mine?" "I do, Master. More than anything, I want to be yours."

"Then what is the matter? You aren't smiling very much, and I want smiles in the photos."

"I'm sorry, Master. It just hurts so much. I'll do better, I promise."

You go back to the foot of the bed, and start taking pictures again. I smile as best I can, forcing it a little for the camera.

Finally, you finish taking photos, and are ready to come back to me. You take off your clothes, and approach the head of the bed.

I get the chance to see you again. It makes smiling so much easier - I wish you hadn't been dressed when you were taking the pictures. It would have made me smile just to see you.

You reach down and caress my face. You lean over and kiss me, softly. You feed me your cock, and I suck on it greedily. I love the way you taste. And the way you feel inside my mouth, and my cunt, and my ass. I just love the way you feel, I guess.

You crawl onto the bed next to me, facing the foot of the bed, and I bury my face in your balls and suck you off. You cum into my mouth, tasting like heaven.

You lean over me and kiss the inside of my thigh while I clean you with my tongue.

Friday, September 28, 2007

So, it is all over now, and I can get back to dreaming about the life I'd love to have. 'Bout damned time.

Stay tuned for the ramblings of a grown woman whose Master is away for a week. Lots to dream about while he's gone.

Oh, and if you're still out there, like the vulture you are, permanent means forever. Eternity.

You may be able to buy a gun at the end of the month, but you will never be allowed to get close enough to me to use it for its intended purpose.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I will be back in September.


I will be back in September.


Monday, October 09, 2006

I'm sorry that I have been away for so long. And that I have had to remove comments. Someone who shall remain nameless has taken to making stupid remarks here in public that just don't belong here, so no more comments. I miss them, and you. I'll try to get back to writing again soon.

Thanks for sticking by me during this time.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Soon my ass, thighs and upper back are covered with your marks, and I am as warm as toast. You crawl back in to bed, covering us both and then I notice that you aren't wearing your usual sleeping attire.

"Suck me off, Slut", you command, and I slide down the bed to comply with your wishes. You haven't called me Slut all day, so I'm not sure exactly what you have planned for the remainder of the night, but I'm sure that not only will I find out, you will ensure that before it is over I will have had one of the best orgasms of my life. You always do, you want me to be able to move beyond the pain, to have my feelings for you supercede it, and leave me vulnerable to your charms.

Soon enough, you cum and then I get to clean you off with my tongue and my lips. You then have me crawl up to the head of the bed, where I see that you have brought out the handcuffs.

"Please, not the handcuffs. You know how they frighten me." "Yes, Slut, and that's why I'll be using them tonight."

Sunday, July 23, 2006

You laugh, and say, "The water wasn't THAT cold, was it?" "It was freezing, and you know it!"

"Well, then, we'll just have to make sure you're nice and rosey red all over before we go to sleep, now won't we?"

"That would be nice, because I'm still freezing."

"Not for long, Pet, Not for long." You get out of bed, leaving me shivering from the cold of the shower and the lack of blankets, as you've thrown them to one side when you left.

I feel it before I see it. The crop. Across my breasts and then my belly. You tell me to turn over, and as I do, you get me on the side, and when I'm on my stomach you start on my ass. I think I will be very warm (and very sore) when you finish.

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